Best PTC sites - Get paid to click


Template accident

Hi, I was today modifying this blog and did a stupid thing. Before changing a thing in the code I didn't save the template and everything just went wrong after that. I had to upload the old template all over again and copy / paste a lot of the content from the way it was before. Anyway, right now I'm pretty close at getting the old look of this blog so don't worry.

Also if you didn't notice, I removed a few site from the front page. They are still in the "approved gpt sites" but not on the front page anymore because I think they are not worth promoting but definatly worth writing about and that's why they are still on the approved list.

Anyway, have a nice time guys click at ptc sites and I wish you good luck in your earnings. Also don't forget to follow me on twitter, see you there!


Brian Babu said...

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