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PTC Investigation - Scam Or Legit

Scam is wrong word to describe ptc investigation and was used just because ptc investigation often abuse this term to get more traffic and misslead people.

This is what this post is really about; 37bux claims to be blackmailed by ptc investigations (the blog that claims to investigate ptc sites and got many followers). The blog is also known for a lot of false information spreading about many ptc sites and their owners as well as having a lot of banners on their blog. They had so many links and banners promoting affiliate links that the blog barely loaded. Google marked them as a bannerfarm site and suspended their blogspot account.

I won't take sides and will only provide the links to the information I have seen so that you can decide for yourselves. But remember to always use different sources of information before you decide to belive in something.

Here is the link to earnmoneyspace forum thread.

I hope PTC Investigation will stop fooling around and act professional.


Ptc sites said...

It is possible to be right with the ptc investigations, I mean…maybe he does also some little things to get traffic and money…but I’ll have to check to be sure…

vanisher1 said...

But I think You are Also Missing One Thing That PTC Investigation Was Marked Bcoz of Google Bots !!
And Now For Sure Google is Marking Every PTC Blog as a spam !
PTc investigation was Marked as a Spam!! Google is Making New Terms !!

Anonymous said...

This blog is ptc related and hosted by blogspot.

PTC INvestigations did not investigate anything and just spammed banners. That's why it was marked as a bannerfarm.

Best PTC Sites said...

what the heck! is it true 37bux is just blackmailed? I don't expect ptc investigations will do that.

PTC Sites said...

I guess ptc invistigations is not accurate.. and also not reliable...

pplinx said...

PTC Investigations continue with his censorship of comments and blackmailing site admins.

Stay away from this site!

Anonymous said...

PTC Investigations suck ball, always censoring my comments.

Anonymous said...

By the way, this bullshit ptc investigation blog can't investigate for shit.

He just wrote that Alertpay is no longer a legit site. Oh my god, what the hell is he thinking? Alertpay is not a ptc site to be in legit list at the first place.