Best PTC sites - Get paid to click


New PTC trend!

Hello everyone!

Today I would like to write something about the new trend of sites with high click rates. PTC sites with high click rates are usually the popular bux sites with 1 cent per click and 0.5 or 1 cent per referral click. But there are also other sites like Clixsense or Wordlinx.

So back to the trend topic.. More and more sites try to survive by having lower click rates so that more people can advertise at these PTC sites. I don't know exactly when it started to happen but I think it was some month ago when every bux site except a very few, were scams and people started to search for more sustainable sites. These sustainable sites were auroras. Aurora is a so called PTC script that is often used for PTC sites with low click rates and that's why people often call sites with low click rates for an Aurora site. While sites with low click rates are called Auroras, the other sites with high click rates are called Buxes. A bux is also a PTC script with usually less security than an Aurora site. There are other sites that do not use Bux or Aurora scripts but about these sites people do not talk for some reason. Maybe it's because these sites do not promise millions after a 100$ investment?

I have joined a few auroras last year but the best one was probably the one called Performancebux. Performancebux is a website built on an Aurora script but the click rates are a bit higher than the common Auroras are having. They were higher than the traditional Auroras were having BUT! They also were lower than the traditional Bux sites were having. I think it was the best designed Aurora PTC site I've ever seen at that time. It loooked exactly like a Bux but still it wasn't. These medium click rates also gave cheaper advertising prices. Normal Bux advertising prices usually look like this "1000 hits = 20$" but Performancebux had them like this "1000 hits = 11$". That's almost 50% cheaper! To understand what this actually means you should know that almost all Buxes are having selfsponsored ads and all the money they are getting from are comming from referrals. But this time Performancebux had a chance to earn from advertisers!

The so called Auroras also became more and more popular. They were cheapest to advertise and sustainable but there were not many active members and the forums were often dead. 

After a while there was a new cool PTC site released called Cafebux. It's still not popular but the idea is pretty cool. What the admin did was that he created a buxy Wordlinx. You could and still can buy 30 and 15 seconds ads that cost from 8.8$/1000 hits 15 sec and 17.6$/1000 hits 30 sec. Referral earnings for stadard were 50% and premium could get 25% from a second referral level.  8.8$ is VERY cheap for a bux advertising. The site also had a very cheap PTSU section that became very popular because of the price and the unique features like choosing how much a person would earn per sign up, etc. Now there are more than 50 PTSU offers available.

Later the refback site called GPTBank joined Neobux and the admin of Neobux started to think. He limited referrals at first and later he even introduced "mini ads" worth 0.5$ per click. This was probably need to keep the site up and paying because let's face it.. Neobux was not sustainable with 20$/1000hits and the only reason it's still up is because of an amazing admin and huge cashflow because of the renting system. This new mini ad feature became later very popular and today you can often see many extra mini ads available at Neobux. Let's hope it will pay for atleast a year more.

Wordlinx, now that's a great PTC. You would think they already had it all but that's not true. Wordlinx is an evolving PTC that always improve and the only thing they got left to improve is the advertising prices. With the economy crises it cost more and more to get less from Wordlinx. But that is probably going to change very soon. Now this is just my personal guess but I think that soon you can advertise at Wordlinx for not more than 5$ per 1000 hits! Why I guessed that? Because they added an extra digit to our account balances and an extra digit to our referral earnings. What comes next, only Wordlinx know but it got something to do with the cheaper advertising.

So don't give up people! Belive it or not but PTC sites evolve and maybe soon we will see more PTC sites that are sustainable and we can earn from. Do you remember that old bux sites had 1 cent per referral click? Do you see it now? Less ad value is more and more popular lately, it's the new trend of PTC movement!

Edit: Sorry, I almost forgot that BuxP was early with 2$/1000 hits advertising. And they sold them and still selling pretty good.


paying ptc sites said...

its something new i read about lets implement and i will get back to you again for a thanks

Anonymous said...

what happened to the old ?

Alexander said... closed due to a lot of problems with the ptc script and paypal. Paypal locked account several times and this is very bad for ptc sites.

To that can be added slow server performance that ruined a very good start of that ptc site and a few members spamming sites such as ptc-investigations and spread false rumors.