Today I would like to recommend this buxy bux site called! Why? Because GPTBank received more than $3690 from this program and I requested a 9$ payout yestarday as a standard member where most of my money came from my own clicks. I joined under GPTBank so I received a lot of money from the GPTBank aswell where I recently received 10$ to my alertpay account.
Why is this bux site not listed in the best ptc sites? Because these kind of sites do not survive for a very long time and the members of know it. However, we can still earn a lot of money from this program very easy while it still pay and that's why I decided to write this blog post. I also like the admin of this program for the fact that he is not trying to pretend having the biggest ptc revolution going on with his site. Instead he run the site and pay his members as long as he can with a lot of experience from his other website that lasted for what? 10 month? It's called 10bux, was created in 09-Jan-08 and still paying a few.
You can join here. If you want to invest, go ahead but I do not recommend big investments in this program. What I do recommend is trying to get some active direct referrals with maybe a few referral exchange deals and reach that minimum payout!
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