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The Botting Network "TBN" Hacked!

The Botting Network aka TBN has been hacked and hacker or hacker gained access to their database with usernames and passwords.

Sometimes I do belive in god and this is just the case. There are so few legit, honest admins spending a lot of their time with their loved PTC sites and paying to everyone yet some people always have to destroy and ruin it for honest people.

The Botting Network members are speading cheating softwares, autoclickers and other stuff. They don't care about anyone but their own asses. It's easier to get money by actually earning them with hard work, freelancing online or doing other simple tasks yet they rather cheat for little money than earning bigger money like everyone else.

I'm sorry but if you are going to get hacked by hackers who hacked this hacker community The Botting Network, you more than deserved it. Also use unique passwords next time because even PTC site databases are often getting sold to not so serious people who abuse the database.