Best PTC sites - Get paid to click


The Big Neobux - Bux PTC That Pay!

So I was waiting a really long time before cashing out at neobux just to show a little picture to all of you and here it is, another great payment screen

neobux pay

Now when that is done, I decided to take the next step and..

neobux upgrade

This is maybe nothing special to many of you but a membership that cost so much is nothing I buy everyday. I was a standard member at neobux for more than a year and only now decided to upgrade. Ptc sites that stay online for more than a year and pay so high click rates are rare and that's why I wanted to support it a little. I still don't rent and don't see a need for that yet but who knows, maybe in the future.

"Woohoo" to me. Anyway, I found a new site to add to the list so hold on ;)

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