Best PTC sites - Get paid to click


Nomincashout scammer create new ptc

The site nomincashout is an early planned scam with unsustainable click rates and super low minimum payout, none at all!

The admin was lucky and somehow got people to trust him so that they upgraded and bought referrals. Thanks to those members he could run an illegal ponzi scheme and pay a few cents to the people who cashed out a few cents for the first time while the admin got thousands of dollars from memberships and referrals. MyLot members had a heavy promotion for that website and thanks to that and other kind of promotions the admin fooled a lot of people.

When the site started to run out of cash, the admin lowered click rates for standard members so that he would get even more cash from the different upgrades available at the site.

Now it seems that he run out of cash again and try to create another ponzi ptc website. The new website is called blastbux and also got no minimum payout however it seems that the site is already down.