Best PTC sites - Get paid to click


Valuebux ptc is switching to a new more powerful server! is switching to a new more powerful server!

Please allow up to 12 hours for the transfer.

If you cannot see within 12 hours please try cleaning your internet browser cache or restarting your computer.

Thank you for your patenience and understanding,
Valuebux Staff


My PTC Clicks is now sold!

"SO who is the new owner?"

"Hey Tixe:

Thank you for writing concerning this. The new owner's name is David, and he goes by the name
Tzimuk. As of this writing, he has not set up a profile here. I will be working with him over the next few weeks to help in getting him up to speed with learning this system, so that you, the valuable members: will be taken good care of.

The only thing that has been holding me back (personally), is that I have started working outside of the house/office. This has been taking 70+ hours of my time away from working online: which is the main reason I sold the site in the first place.

I will still work with this site in the capacity of moderator (in the forums) and assistant admin on the site, for the time being. I will encourage David to make a posting in the forums to introduce himself as soon as he can."


Cobybux is scam

Cobybux is scam, atleast that's what GPTBank admin is telling in a little forum thread I've found in the news section:

"Hello dear GPTBank members,

Since cobybux has been launched it's TOS and referral limits were changed million times. We have also had a problem about our user and exactly he proved he is good at lying. There are many reasons to put cobybux to scam list. His awful english, non-helpful support etc... Importantly his/her paypal and alertpay accounts are frozen. His site has been online for more than 2 months and he didnt care to verify his alertpay account. There is %1 possibility to receive our payment. Because of this small possibility your pending shares have been distributed with GPTBank's finance. If we receive the payment GPTBank balance will take $10 benefit. Do not care with GPTBank's balance and enjoy your money

Cobybux balance screenshot!

Hi, I was just surfing and found this very cool thread where cobybux admin is telling that the payments got a delay because of paypal/alertpay refunds. But the cool thing is that this admin is showing how much money he got at his ap/pp account :D This is not something admin are usually doing.

This can also give you an idea of how much money scammers of big bux sites are usually running away with. Now cobybux is not that popular bux, imagine neobux paypal/alertpay balance :)


The best ptc sites list is being updated!

Hi! I didn't update the best ptc sites list in a while and I think it's time to do that now..

There are many sites out there that are worth joining and earning from that area really great and paying on time in a very long time now and there are sites in the list that are just ineffective. Many visitors of this blog do not like sites with big minimum payout if it's a site with low ad value and many people are too lazy to use traffic exchange to earn money or get referrals with.

That's why I decided to remove a few sites and add a few new sites! Good news is that these sites are paying in several month and I already received atleast one payment from them.

Anyway, the blog is being updated now! And while doing that, I will also add some recently received payments that I was too lazy to upload before.


MyLot link typo - paid to post forum

Hi, I just noticed that the link to mylot wasn't correct and that would probably explain why I didn't get a single referral in like a month :D

Oh well, shit happens! I changed the link now. I hope the people that went to the wrong link realized that it wasn't a paid to post site because the link was leading to easyhits4u and that's a traffic exchange site that pay to surf.


The typical TWISTBUX PTC SITE misstake!

So I do promote twistbux and I do think that it's a great website even with the lower ad values and that's why it's my duty to inform you, my readers, about this typical misstake that I myself did.

When you join twistbux, you will be able to earn from your own clicks. And that's fine! The average number of ads is usually 4-8 and the ad value for standards is 0.0025$.

So long it's all good but now comes the tricky part. When you get referral to earn more money, you will need to change some settings to earn from your referrals! I will now explain exactly how to do it but just keep in mind that you must have atleast ONE active referral to do this or you won't earn much from it because when you switch to earning from referrals, you won't receive money from your own clicks. Instead you will receive a lottery ticket but more about it below.

Login to your twistbux account and go to the link called "profile". It's the link to the left of the screen in a little silver menu together with other links such as Summary, History, Direct Referrals, Referring and Your Advertisements. When you clicked at the link called profile, scroll down a little and search for the "Crediting". In this box you will see two options where you can choose to either earn from your own clicks or earn from your referral clicks. At Twistbux you alway earn 100% from your referrals and that means that each time they view an ad, you will receive the same amount of money as you would if you clicked the same amount of ads. That's why it's extreamly important to switch this status if you want to earn from referrals at twistbux! Anyway, go to that box and choose "I want to get credited for my referrals clicks". When you have done that, you will need to enter your current password and click at the "Save Profile" link below it all.

Yes, that was it! It's super easy but is hard to know because twistbux is still not a userfriendly designed site but that should change in the future according to the admin of twistbux.


My PTC Clicks for sale

Yes, it's very sad but true. My PTC Clicks is now for sale and that's really sad because it could have had a bright future for a ptc site with some more work behind it.

Hey Friends:

It is with much sadness that I must announce that I have put up for sale today. I have been going back and forth in my head about this for quite some time. I started letting people closest to me know about the possibility just a few days ago: but I had not made up my mind until just the other day.

The main reason for this action, is that there has been many actions and changes in my "physical" realm: including getting an "outside" job; and also starting a new business venture that will be taking much of my time away from the office.

I do NOT want this site to suffer. We all have put so much into this: both time and money - and it would not be fair to our advertisers and members to just let this drop off into oblivion. I have loved my time with this site; and wish for it to keep going and growing strong, as it has done up to this point.

I have created an ad in two locations right now. The first, is at which would be my preference to sell this site at; as there are not too many fees to sell things. The second place that I have placed an ad, is in our eBay store:Grandma's Bargain Attic. Although there are more fees associated with selling there: eBay is much more well known; and we should get a lot of exposure there.

It would really be great to sell this site to someone that is already familiar with it: such as a current member of advertiser. However, the most important thing to me: is that the person takes care of business in a honest & ethical manor; so that the needs of the members and advertisers are always taken care of.

If you think that you would be interested in purchasing this site: then I would ask that you check out our two listing (as above). If you have any questions, or would like to make further comments: I welcome them here.

Thank you very much to everyone for your continued support.

John ~ Site Owner & Admin

Let's hope that there will be a new honest admin.

Nomincashout scammer create new ptc

The site nomincashout is an early planned scam with unsustainable click rates and super low minimum payout, none at all!

The admin was lucky and somehow got people to trust him so that they upgraded and bought referrals. Thanks to those members he could run an illegal ponzi scheme and pay a few cents to the people who cashed out a few cents for the first time while the admin got thousands of dollars from memberships and referrals. MyLot members had a heavy promotion for that website and thanks to that and other kind of promotions the admin fooled a lot of people.

When the site started to run out of cash, the admin lowered click rates for standard members so that he would get even more cash from the different upgrades available at the site.

Now it seems that he run out of cash again and try to create another ponzi ptc website. The new website is called blastbux and also got no minimum payout however it seems that the site is already down.


Revbux back online

After a few hours offline, revbux is back online again and it seems that everything is working again!

However, I noticed that the ads did not refresh. Hopefully they will tomorrow.


Revbux offline

Revbux is now offline for a few hours waiting a backup from their hosting company.

The reason behind all this is a big misunderstanding or a fight? between revbux admin and the script brokers called SWS ( 

It's hard to know exactly what happend but in the end a few files at revbux were erased/replaced by sws without letting revbux admin knowing about it.

Revbux is a ptc site that have been online paying to everyone for more than 6 month! Let's hope that it will be back in a few hours fully working like it says on the site when you try to connect to


PPlinx ptc - all members approved

After a long time approving every members from the old ptc script that pplinx used, everyone is finally approved.

From this moment, the site will put all the power on growing and improving.