So I do promote twistbux and I do think that it's a great website even with the lower ad values and that's why it's my duty to inform you, my readers, about this typical misstake that I myself did.
When you join twistbux, you will be able to earn from your own clicks. And that's fine! The average number of ads is usually 4-8 and the ad value for standards is 0.0025$.
So long it's all good but now comes the tricky part. When you get referral to earn more money, you will need to change some settings to earn from your referrals! I will now explain exactly how to do it but just keep in mind that you must have atleast ONE active referral to do this or you won't earn much from it because when you switch to earning from referrals, you won't receive money from your own clicks. Instead you will receive a lottery ticket but more about it below.
Login to your twistbux account and go to the link called "profile". It's the link to the left of the screen in a little silver menu together with other links such as Summary, History, Direct Referrals, Referring and Your Advertisements. When you clicked at the link called profile, scroll down a little and search for the "Crediting". In this box you will see two options where you can choose to either earn from your own clicks or earn from your referral clicks. At Twistbux you alway earn 100% from your referrals and that means that each time they view an ad, you will receive the same amount of money as you would if you clicked the same amount of ads. That's why it's extreamly important to switch this status if you want to earn from referrals at twistbux! Anyway, go to that box and choose "I want to get credited for my referrals clicks". When you have done that, you will need to enter your current password and click at the "Save Profile" link below it all.
Yes, that was it! It's super easy but is hard to know because twistbux is still not a userfriendly designed site but that should change in the future according to the admin of twistbux.