Best PTC sites - Get paid to click


Payza - No longer PTC friendly?

Payza payment processor, old name AlertPay, used to be a very good alternative payment option at PTC sites. Almost every PTC had to have Paypal and Alertpay.

But later fees became higher for "risk business", PTC is one of those, and there were a lot of problems with withdraws. People couldn't receive their money from Payza and support was bad.

Now the sales via Payza decreased a lot and it's no longer a great alternative unless the PTC you run/use is huge, that's where Payza can still be used by many people. But most of the income, a good 90-98%, comes from paypal and other payment services.

Clicksia and Incentria - Closed!

Both Clicksia and Incentria were closed a few days ago.

You can read more about it here

Now there are not many old PTCs left, a few are Wordlinx, Clixsense, Neobux, Buxp and PPlinx. But also the DonkeyMails sites like Jillsclickcorner etc.

It will be interesting to see how this change will affect other sites, where will all the advertisers go from Clicksia and Incentria? They were very good for sign-ups, and the traffic was decent.

What do you think?