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New version of PTCEvolution

Alright, here is a second email I've received from PTC Evolution about the new script release v4.


I'm happy to introduce the new version of PTCEvolution, we have important changes and new features for this version

Egopay added
SolidTrustPay added
Alertpay changed to Payza
Admin can login as a member to give a better support
Admin can select the memberships on creation of PTSU
Last click date for direct referrals fixed
Forum post fixed
Forum signature added with bbcode
Forum groups with new permissions
Upgrade with purchase balance or payment gateway added
Multi-administration with permissions added
Admin can set referral prices and autopay for each membership
Forum permissions fixed
Maximum withdraw per day added for each membership
Admin login log added
Forum enhaced
Admin dashboard enhaced.
Now admin can change the department name of support center
Members manager enhaced
Advertisements manager enhaced
Orders manager enhaced
Deposits manager enhaced
Withdrawals manager enhaced
Support manager enhaced
Settings enhaced
Small bugs were fixed.

Details of demo are in

I tried to add the features requested by the customers but maybe I forgot something.

If you have any feature in mind or you find a bug in this new version, please open a ticket on

When customers finish to review this version, it will be able to download

Mathias L.


PTC Evolution version 4 - comming soon!

A newsletter was sent earlier today about the upcomming new version of PTCEvolution PTC script.


I'm happy to announce the version 4 of PTCEvolution that is coming with new features, new layout and much more.

The official launch of this new version will be on this friday, November 23th.

If you do not have a license yet, you can purchase a new one with a 10% off, contact us via support ticket for more information.

Keep tuned!

Mathias L.
PTCEvolution Owner



Moving to Wordpress

The best PTC sites blog, this one, is going to move from blogger to Wordpress in the near future.

This will allow me to controll more of the design and content.

Blogger is a good blogging platform to start your blogging carrier but it's no good once blog grows and you have to manage a lot of content. This blog has more than 200 posts and needs proper categories and tags. Good plugins and 301redirects for content that no longer exist.