Best PTC sites - Get paid to click


Bugs in adsense (18+)

Okey, before I start I just want to say that I'm not an easy scared person!

I like to watch scary movies that are very scared for real and I play horror games but... Today I was posting news here in this blog and when I scrolled down I saw this freaking scary picture and I was like O,o shit!!!! Did I get a virus? What happend? Was my code wrong? Did blogspot update something and didn't like something in my blog? 

And after a while the picture changed into another picture with the text about destroyed code or something... Omg!

Twitter suspended

My twitter is now suspended while I didn't break anything in the TOS that I read very carefully the first day I joined.

The most possible reason for my account beeing suspended is because I followed too many people but there was nothing about it in the TOS and it wasn't THAAAT many I followed. I used a lot of time on twitter the first day I was registred and OF COURSE I followed many people!

Anyway I'm not sure how but I will try to solve it. If not, I'm going to create a new account and follow everyone again that followed me back. This way atleast I won't break their stupid ratio.

Shortbux fight and MAYBE BOTS :o?

There is a thread at EarnMoneySpace about Shortbux. The thread starter was Delusional, helper of the Shortbux.

Delusional is telling that Shortbux is selling bots and also that the admin is not paying him for the job he have done for him. I don't know much about that but look at the way Shortbux admin is avoiding the bot question!

To read the thread look here:


My Ptc Clicks 2nd

Received another payment from My Ptc Clicks after only a week passing from the last payment I got ;]

I'm a standard member and received after one hour.

MyPtcClicks 2


Incentria 1st

Finally received my Incentria payment!

The site belongs to the sites with low click rates but atleast you will know you will get paid when you reach the payout without referrals.

I'm a standard members and I received it after 1-2 days.
Incentria 1st

PTC Twitter

I have serched around a bit and couldn't find a stable PTC/GPT Twitter and that's why I decided to create one myself.

I will use my own twitter as PTC Twitter and will soon write PTC news everyday by connecting Twitter with this blog and PTC Forums.

The best thing with starting a news site for PTC at Twitter is that it's very simple to follow Twitter and you do not need to login to read but if you want 100% of it all you should register and maybe use some of the gadgets available at Twitter's homepage.

If you are interested in following the twitter just search for "tixepower". The name will probably be changed soon if I find a good name that fits.


Twitter evolution

So I heard very little about Twitter before I saw one profile for myself and felt like this is something I will need to have, lol...

Anyway I registed a twitter account now to follow some people and I can also follow your twitter if you exchange for following my twitter ;)

My twitter is tixepower and I will soon add a link to it in this blog. 

How to earn by clicking in 3 steps

PTC = Paid To Click  

1 Register at Alertpay or Paypal FREE 
You will need to do this so that PaidToClick (PTC) sites can pay you.  

2 Register a Gmail account FREE 
You need to have an email account to complete the next step.  

3 Visit The Best Ptc Sites and join the sites FREE 
This site contain one of the best ptc sites daily updated. Just register at them and start earning!  

More details  

1 How do PTC sites work? 
PTC sites is a way to communicate between advertisers and publishers (in this case the clickers or also called affiliators). Advertisers want to show their sites to people and they pay for it. Users at the ptc sites want to earn money and they do it by clicking the ads from advertisors.  

2 What is a referral? 
There is an "upline" and a "downline". The downline is the so called "referral", a person who joined with a special link from already existing user. The upline is the person who is already registred at a site and is helping other people to register at the sites with the special link from the upline.  

3 Why do we need referrals? 
The PTC and many GPT (Get Paid To) owners invest a lot of money in their sites. They also have to invest in selfsponsored ads when they start because there are no advertisers willing to advertise at a site with only 10 members. That's why they offer referral earnings to the people who help other people to register witht heir special link called "referral link or ref link". Referral earnings can be everything from 5-100% of what the downline (referrals) earn to 1-10 cent for each new referral that join your downline.  

Referral earnings help the ptc owners to use less money on advertising (or no at all) in the long run. The higher referral earnings are the more people are willing to invest their own money in advertising the site to get these referral earnings that can be really huge if you got a very big downline (many referrals).

Hello and welcome everybody!

Hello and welcome everyone! 

It's me tixe also known as tixepower around the world... the ptc world ;)

Anyway thank you for visiting this site, in a short time this will become hopefully a huge blog about ptc sites. Here you will be able to see a good paying ptc sites list that you can trust, ptc news updated daily, ptc reviews and so much more!

Please subscribe this blog, boomark it or just follow it because it will help this blog to grow a lot and every visit counts! 

Also please write many comments because this makes it look like the blog is active and many new visitors will be interested of an active blog more than one that is very inactive.